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Pregnancy and Low Back Pain – Part 2

Pregnancy and Low Back Pain – Part 2

Back pain can become both more frequent and more intense as a pregnancy enters into the second and (especially) the third trimester. This is because the biomechanical changes that accompany pregnancy occur too fast for the body to properly adapt. Besides the usual suggestions of bed rest, taking frequent breaks, using cold packs, and the [..]

Chiropractic Care and Migraine Headaches

Chiropractic Care and Migraine Headaches

Migraines affect approximately 15% of the general population and are usually managed by medication. However, this traditional treatment approach is not well tolerated by some migraine sufferers due to side effects. Additionally, some people prefer to avoid the risks associated with taking some medications over the long term. A systematic literature review of randomized controlled [..]

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Exercises

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Exercises

There are nine tendons that pass through the carpal tunnel at the wrist that connect the forearm muscles to the palm-side of the fingers. These tendons are encased in sheaths, and friction and heat can build-up inside these sheaths, leading to swelling, pressure, and pain (especially during fast, repetitive tasks). As the swelling increases and [..]

Shoulder Pain

Shoulder Pain

Shoulder pain can arise from a multitude of places—from joints, muscles, tendons, and bursa in and around the shoulder region as well as from more distant locations like the neck, upper back, or even referred pain from the gall bladder. The onset of shoulder pain is highly variable as it can arise without an obvious [..]

Chronic Whiplash Injuries and Pain Thresholds

Chronic Whiplash Injuries and Pain Thresholds

Researchers have observed a phenomenon called “central sensitization” (CS) that is common in patients who have long-term, chronic pain following trauma such as whiplash. With CS, the patient's ability to feel pain is abnormally high or hypersensitive, so when pain from pressure, temperature, electrical, or other sources is applied to the skin, they feel it [..]

Women with Back Pain... The Silent Majority? Part 1

Women with Back Pain... The Silent Majority? Part 1

Because humans are bipeds—that is, two-legged animals—our spines tend to experience greater loads than those our four-legged friends. This leads to men and women experiencing degenerative conditions such as osteoarthritis much earlier in life compared with lions, tigers, and bears (and your dog or cat). Also, the majority of us (about 90%) have one leg [..]

The Kinetic Chain

The Kinetic Chain

The Foot, The Leg, The Pelvis, And Back PainFoot problems are a common cause of low back pain.Inequality of the length of the legs is a common cause of low back pain.A pelvis that is not level is a common cause of low back pain.The biomechanics of the low back are intimately linked to the [..]

Pregnancy and Low Back Pain – Part 1

Pregnancy and Low Back Pain – Part 1

Did you know that between 50% of all pregnant women suffer from back pain and 50-75% experience back pain during labor? There are MANY reasons why back pain becomes an issue for women during their pregnancy. The first and most obvious reason is the displaced weight gain of 25-35 pounds (on average) resulting in pain [..]

Chiropractic Care & Headaches

Chiropractic Care & Headaches

The cervical spine is often implicated in the onset and/or presence of headaches. This is due in part to the first three cervical nerve roots exiting out of the spine and enter the back of the head through a particularly thick group of muscles attached to the base of the skull along the nuchal ridge. [..]

Important Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Facts

Important Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Facts

Carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) occurs as the result of the median nerve being trapped or squeezed as it passes through the carpal tunnel, which is located in the wrist. Nine flexor tendons with their covering or sheathes, blood vessels, and connective tissue also pass through the carpal tunnel, creating a tight passageway between the forearm [..]

The Knee Cap and Knee Pain

The Knee Cap and Knee Pain

The knee can be divided in four compartments—the front, inside, back, and outside—which intimately interact with each other. The compartment located in the front of the knee includes the knee cap (or patella), the groove in which it slides in, and the muscles that attach to the patella. The patella is the body’s largest “floating [..]

Chronic Pain and Whiplash

Chronic Pain and Whiplash

Most sprains and strains typically take six weeks to recover, provided the patient receives proper care, which may include self-management strategies. However, something is different about a whiplash associated disorders (WAD) injury in that many patients do not recover. At the Whiplash 2017 Symposium held in Australia, Dr. Michele Sterling stated, “Whiplash associated disorders are [..]