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When Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Surgery Fails

When Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Surgery Fails

The carpal tunnel is a structure in the wrist that is primarily comprised of the carpal bones and the transverse carpal ligament. In addition to the median nerve, several tendons and other tissues pass through this region. If the shape of the carpal tunnel is altered or if any of the tissues within the tunnel [..]

Keeping Low Back Pain from Becoming Chronic

Keeping Low Back Pain from Becoming Chronic

It’s estimated that about one-in-seven adults in the United States have chronic low back pain (lasting longer than three months), which can have a major effect on one’s ability to carry out their daily activities. As such, it’s important to identify which factors may be associated with an increased risk for progressing from acute low [..]

Five Things Many People Don’t Know About Whiplash

Five Things Many People Don’t Know About Whiplash

It’s estimated that more than two million Americans sustain a whiplash injury each year. Despite the prevalence of the condition, the general population doesn’t know much about it. Here are five important things everyone should know about whiplash. 1) Whiplash isn’t only caused by car accidents. Although motor vehicle collisions are the most common and [..]

Exercise vs. Manual Therapy for Shoulder Pain

Exercise vs. Manual Therapy for Shoulder Pain

Subacromial impingement syndrome (SAIS) is one of the most common causes of shoulder pain and functional restrictions. This condition is caused when the tendons of the rotator cuff, the head of the biceps brachii, and/or subacromial bursa are pinched or impinged during normal movement. This results in pain and reduced function and range of motion [..]

Does Coffee Slow the Brain?

Does Coffee Slow the Brain?

For centuries, people have reached for a cup of coffee to help focus the mind, but according to a study published in 2021, a morning cup of java could have the opposite effect. Researchers recruited 32 habitual coffee drinkers and 24 non-coffee drinkers and asked them to complete questionnaires used to measure stress, anxiety, and [..]

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Treatment Choice

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Treatment Choice

When individuals experience pain, numbness, weakness, and other abnormal symptoms in the hand and wrist, their first thought is that it’s carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) followed by a worry that they’ll inevitably need surgery to resolve the condition. Some sufferers may even contact a surgeon as their first option for care. However, treatment guidelines do [..]

Migraines and Lifestyle Choices

Migraines and Lifestyle Choices

For adults under 50 years of age, migraine headaches are one of the leading causes of disability. There are several potential underlying causes for the condition, of which one appears to be a proinflammatory and oxidative state in the body. Fortunately, this can be addressed through healthier lifestyle choices. Low-grade or systemic inflammation happens when [..]

Poor Seated Posture and Low Back Pain

Poor Seated Posture and Low Back Pain

We’ve all been told—especially as children—to stop slouching and to stand or sit up straight. As it happens, this is great advice to keep the spine healthy and reduce the risk for a painful low back condition. A landmark 1981 study calculated the amount of pressure placed on the intervertebral disks in the lower back [..]

Low Back Pain Clinical Practice Guidelines:  The Dangers with Non-Concordant Recommendations

Low Back Pain Clinical Practice Guidelines: The Dangers with Non-Concordant Recommendations

Clinical practice guidelines are systematically developed statements to assist practitioner and patient decisions about appropriate health care for specific clinical circumstances. Clinical practice guidelines define the role of specific diagnostic and treatment modalities in the diagnosis and management of patients. Clinical practice guideline recommendations are based on evidence from rigorous systematic reviews and synthesis of [..]

Does Lowering Cholesterol Reduce Cardiovascular Disease Risk?

Does Lowering Cholesterol Reduce Cardiovascular Disease Risk?

For decades, the public has been told that elevated cholesterol levels are a major cause of heart disease and stroke. However, in recent years, researchers have begun to question this notion. In an article published in the BMJ (formerly the British Medical Journal) in 2020, an international group of authors discussed the controversy surrounding the [..]

The Chiropractic Treatment Approach for Whiplash

The Chiropractic Treatment Approach for Whiplash

Whiplash associated disorders (WAD) describes a constellation of symptoms (neck pain, headache, mental fog, radiating arm pain, mid- and/or lower-back pain, neck and upper back stiffness, muscle spasms, fatigue, anxiety, memory loss, etc.) that can result from the sudden forward and backward whipping motion of the head and neck. While motor vehicle collisions are most [..]

Chiropractic Care for Older Headache and Neck Pain Patients

Chiropractic Care for Older Headache and Neck Pain Patients

Neck pain and headaches are a leading cause of pain and suffering that affects hundreds of millions of seniors worldwide. Until recently, the use of chiropractic care for elderly adults with headaches and/or neck pain has been poorly understood. Let’s investigate the effectiveness of chiropractic care for the elderly who are affected with these conditions. [..]