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Hip Pain and Runners

Hip Pain and Runners

Running is a form of exercise that many people utilize to stay in shape, lose weight, and reduce stress, among other reasons. While many avid runners do their best to ignore hip pain while on the road, trail, track, or treadmill, there is a point when their pain forces them to seek care. Let’s discuss [..]

How to Improve Cholesterol Levels

How to Improve Cholesterol Levels

Cholesterol is a type of lipid—or fat—that’s used by the body to build healthy cells. When transported through the blood, cholesterol is generally attached to a protein, creating a lipoprotein. There are two main types of lipoprotein, low-density and high-density, which are also referred to as the bad and good forms of cholesterol, respectively. Low-density [..]

What Is Occipital Neuralgia?

What Is Occipital Neuralgia?

Occipital neuralgia (OccN) is a somewhat rare form of headache that affects about 3 in 100,000 people a year. How is OccN different than other forms of headache and what treatment approach might a doctor of chiropractic take to manage the condition? This type of headache is characterized by a sharp, shooting pain that radiates [..]

Cervical Disorders and Carpal Tunnel Symptoms

Cervical Disorders and Carpal Tunnel Symptoms

Neck pain is the second most common reason that patients seek out chiropractic care. While the initial paperwork patients complete will ask about pain and disability in other areas of the body, many might overlook issues like mild or infrequent numbness in the hand because they think that it’s unrelated and not something to be [..]

Four Whiplash Myths

Four Whiplash Myths

Whiplash associated disorders (WAD) describes a constellation of symptoms that can arise from the sudden jerk or snap of the head/neck that results in the overstretching of joint capsules, ligaments, muscle tendons, disks, and nerves of the neck and upper back. While it’s estimated that about two million Americans experience a whiplash injury each year, [..]

Manual Therapy for Cervicogenic Headaches

Manual Therapy for Cervicogenic Headaches

By some estimates, up to 20% of headaches are caused by a disorder of the cervical spine and its components (bone, disk, and soft tissue) usually accompanied by neck pain. It’s very common for patients with a cervicogenic headache to seek and receive manual therapies—like spinal manipulation and mobilization—from chiropractic care. Spinal manipulation is characterized [..]

5 Exercises to Fight Forward Head Posture

5 Exercises to Fight Forward Head Posture

Even though poor posture can impair physical function and affect one’s health, it’s very common to see people with a slouched, forward head posture.  Aside from advice to sit up straight, limit phone use, or hold devices at eye level, are there any exercises that can help reverse forward head posture? The answer: “YES!” Let’s [..]

High-Intensity Interval Training: How Much Time is Needed?

High-Intensity Interval Training: How Much Time is Needed?

We all know we need to regularly exercise as part of a healthy lifestyle, but many don’t because they feel that they don’t have enough time in the day to work out. In recent years, a form of exercise called high-intensity interval training (HIIT) has gained attention in both gyms and the scientific literature as [..]

The Chiropractic Diagnosis and Treatment Process for Whiplash

The Chiropractic Diagnosis and Treatment Process for Whiplash

Following a car accident, slip and fall, or sports collision, many whiplash associated disorder (WAD) patients are advised by friends, family, co-workers, or an attorney to see a doctor of chiropractic. For many WAD patients, this may be their first experience with chiropractic. What can they expect? During the initial visit, the patient will first [..]

Testing for Suspected Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Testing for Suspected Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

When an individual’s hands and fingers start tingling, they will most often suspect carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS). However, pressure on the median nerve anywhere along its course from the neck to the hand can produce similar symptoms in the hand and fingers. So what is the best way to diagnose CTS and differentiate it from [..]

Chiropractic Care for Soon-To-Be and New Moms

Chiropractic Care for Soon-To-Be and New Moms

Low back pain (LBP) and pelvic girdle pain (PGP) are common complaints during pregnancy with some studies suggesting these conditions affect up to half of expecting mothers. In the postpartum period, it’s estimated that as many as one in-five women will continue to experience these forms of musculoskeletal pain up to three years following the [..]

Traction for Low Back Pain

Traction for Low Back Pain

When it comes to a condition like low back pain, the care a patient receives can depend on case history and examination findings, as well as the doctor’s training and treatment preferences. For the patient with a lumbar disk pathology, a doctor of chiropractic may employ lumbar traction in combination with manipulation and joint mobilization [..]